Work of Art Damaged in 1852 Cutting Off Jesus Feet

Vandalism of art is intentional damage of an artwork. The object, usually exhibited in public, becomes damaged as a result of the deed, and remains in place right after the act. This may distinguish it from fine art devastation and iconoclasm, where it may be wholly destroyed and removed, and fine art theft, or looting.

Numerous acts of vandalism confronting art exhibits are known and some objects, such as Mona Lisa, Night Watch and The Picayune Mermaid, have been intentionally damaged several times. Many vandals were diagnosed with a mental disorder and some, such equally Hans-Joachim Bohlmann, had a history of attacking artworks. A vast amount of damage consists of leaving a minor scratch, a stuck chewing mucilage, a pencil marker and then on, and usually escapes publicity.[1] More visible acts of vandalism were premeditated, as the tool of destruction – a knife, paint, acid or hammer – was intentionally brought to the scene. In most cases, the artworks were restored. Restorations were plush and time-consuming and in many cases were followed past shielding the artwork from future attacks.

History of the term [edit]

The term vandalisme was coined in 1794 past Henri Grégoire, bishop of Blois, to depict the destruction of artwork following the French Revolution. The term originated from the invasion of Rome in 455 past the East Germanic tribe of Vandals, which resulted in destruction of numerous artworks, and was quickly adopted across Europe.[2]

Methods [edit]

Acrid and paint [edit]

In 1880, exhibits of the Russian painter Vasily Vereshchagin in Vienna acquired the opposition of the Catholic Church, which culminated in an attack on two paintings, Holy family (Russian: Святое семейство) and Resurrection (Russian: Воскресение Христово). A monk splashed enough acid on the paintings to virtually destroy them.[iii]

In 1974, Tony Shafrazi wrote "Kill LIES ALL" with ruby-red spray paint over the piece of work Guernica by Pablo Picasso. Shafrazi was ostensibly protesting Richard Nixon'southward pardon of William Calley for the latter's actions during the My Lai massacre. The pigment was removed with relative ease from the varnished surface.[4]

On xv June 1985, Rembrandt's 17th-century painting Danaë was attacked in the Hermitage Museum in Russian federation. A man, later judged insane, starting time threw sulfuric acrid on the canvass and and then cutting it twice with a knife. The unabridged central office of the composition was virtually destroyed.[5] The restoration took 12 years, between 1985 and 1997; since then, the painting has been protected with an armored glass.[6]

In 1997, Alexander Brener painted a green dollar sign on Kazimir Malevich'southward painting Suprematisme. The painting was restored and Brener was sentenced to 5 months in prison. During the court instance, he said in his defense:[7]

The cantankerous is a symbol of suffering, the dollar sign a symbol of merchandise and merchandise ... What I did was not against the painting. I view my deed equally a dialogue with Malewitz.

On 13 June 2012, Uriel Landeros spray painted a bull and a matador and wrote "Conquista" with blackness spray paint over the work Woman in a Blood-red Armchair by Pablo Picasso. He was charged with felony graffiti and criminal mischief and sentenced to two years in prison.

In 2017, a terror suspect attacked guards of the Louvre museum with machetes and was institute carrying "bombs of aerosol paint" intended to "disfigure the masterpieces of the museum."[8]

Knife [edit]

On 16 January 1913, a 29-twelvemonth-old iconographer Abram Balashev attacked the painting Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan by Ilya Repin in the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow. With iii knife blows, he cut through the faces of both Ivans. Balashev was institute mentally sick and restricted to a psychiatric hospital. The painting was restored by two leading Russian experts within a calendar week; the work was greatly assisted past the availability of skillful-quality photographs of the painting.[nine] On 10 March 1914, militant suffragette Mary Richardson walked into the National Gallery of London and attacked Diego Velázquez'southward painting Rokeby Venus with a meat cleaver. Her action was ostensibly provoked by the arrest of fellow suffragette Emmeline Pankhurst the previous solar day,[ten] although at that place had been before warnings of a planned attack on the collection. Richardson left seven slashes on the painting,[11] [12] all of which have been successfully repaired.[10] Richardson was sentenced to six months imprisonment, the maximum allowed for devastation of an artwork.[13] In a statement to the Women's Social and Political Wedlock soon afterwards, Richardson explained, "I have tried to destroy the moving-picture show of the most beautiful adult female in mythological history as a protest against the Government for destroying Mrs. Pankhurst, who is the well-nigh cute grapheme in modern history".[12] She added in a 1952 interview that she didn't similar "the way men visitors gaped at it all twenty-four hour period long".[14]

Cuts in the Rokeby Venus made past Mary Richardson in 1914 using the meat cleaver shown in the tiptop right corner

In September 1969, unidentified persons left long scratches in five paintings at the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, with most impairment inflicted to the Holy Family by Lorenzo Costa.[15]

On 6 April 1978, a 31-twelvemonth-old Dutch artist, disgruntled over the non-payment of his welfare by the Amsterdam authorities, made three 30–40 cm long cuts in the center of the painting La Berceuse by Vincent van Gogh at the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam. A few days earlier, a 27-year-former Italian homo slashed the painting The Admiration of the Gold Calf by Nicolas Poussin at the National Gallery in London.[16]

In 1986, a human being "wishing to take revenge on abstract art" cut with a knife the painting Who'south Afraid of Crimson, Yellowish and Bluish Three past Barnett Newman. The restoration took 5 years and cost $450,000. After serving time in prison, the offender slashed another Newman painting.[17]

A rather unusual case, which probable does not qualify as vandalism, occurred in 1908. An exhibition was gear up for May of that year with paintings past Claude Monet, which had already been praised past critics and were estimated at $100,000 (1908 prices). Despite this, Monet decided that he was not satisfied with his work and in a sudden movement destroyed all the paintings with a knife and a paint brush.[18]

Not bad and shattering [edit]

On 7 Feb 1845, the Portland Vase, a Roman cameo glass vase dated to between 5 and 25 BCE, was shattered by a drunken William Lloyd while on display in the British Museum. The vase was pieced together and underwent several further repairs, all not entirely successful. The vase's appearance became satisfactory only afterward its virtually recent restoration in 1987.[19]

On 14 September 1991, a "deranged" man attacked the statue David by Michelangelo with a hammer he had concealed under his jacket,[20] damaging the toes of the left foot before being restrained.[21] The samples obtained from that incident helped scientists determine that the marble used was obtained from the Fantiscritti quarries in Miseglia, the central of three small valleys in Carrara. The statue was restored.[22]

La Pietà, some other work past Michelangelo, is a 1499 case of Renaissance sculpture housed in St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican Metropolis. On 21 May 1972, mentally disturbed geologist Laszlo Toth, anile 33, attacked the statue with a geologist hammer while yelling "I am Jesus Christ!", chipping the Virgin Mary'southward left eyelid, neck, head, veil and left forearm; the forearm fell on the floor, causing the fingers to suspension. Nearly broken pieces were collected by the service people but some were taken past tourists. The sculpture was repaired and is now protected by impenetrable glass. Toth was non charged with a crime, simply was plant socially dangerous and confined for two years to a psychiatric institution in Italy.[23] [24] [25]

On 17 February 2014, a local Floridian artist, Maximo Caminero, destroyed a coloured vase by the Chinese creative person Ai Weiwei in protestation at the Pérez Art Museum Miami'due south lack of displays by local artists.[26] The value of the vase was estimated at $i million.[26] Caminero was afterwards arrested and charged with criminal mischief.[26]

On 26 May 2018, Repin'southward painting Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan was vandalized again. A 37-twelvemonth-old drunken man grabbed a metallic stand and repeatedly hitting the painting, shattering its protection glass, seriously damaging the original wooden frame, and tearing the central part of the canvas. Fortunately, the most important details of the work, that is, heads and hands of the tzar and his son, were unharmed.[27]

Lipstick [edit]

In 1912, a young woman kissed the forehead, optics, and nose of a portrait by François Boucher in the Louvre. She reportedly wanted to draw attention to herself.[28]

In 1977, 43-year-old Ruth van Herpen kissed a painting by Jo Baer at the Oxford Museum of Mod Art, claiming to try cheering up a "common cold" painting. She was ordered by law to pay the restoration costs of $1,260.[28] [29]

In 1998, the painting "Bathtub" past Andy Warhol, estimated to be worth several hundred thousand dollars, was kissed by a vandal during a party at the museum. Considering Warhol had non varnished the painting, conservators at the Carnegie Museum of Art were concerned that traditional solvents would crusade the lipstick to soak into the painting and make things worse.[30]

On xix July 2007, police arrested artist Rindy Sam after she kissed the all-white canvas of Phaedrus by Cy Twombly, leaving a cherry-red lipstick marking. The artwork, which was worth an estimated $2,830,000, was on display at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Avignon, France. First attempts to remove the marker using about thirty various chemicals were unsuccessful. Sam was tried in a court in Avignon for "voluntary degradation of a work of art". She dedicated herself by saying to the court: "It was just a kiss, a loving gesture. I kissed it without thinking; I thought the artist would empathize... It was an creative deed provoked by the power of Art". In November 2007, Sam was convicted and ordered to pay €one,000 to the painting'due south possessor, €500 to the Avignon gallery that showed information technology, and €1 to the painter.[31] [32] In June 2009, she was ordered to pay €18,840 to the Yvon Lambert gallery.[33] [34]

The prevalence of lipstick-related incidents of vandalism has led some museums to crave guests to remove their makeup before inbound the museum, although this exercise has remained highly controversial.

Firearms [edit]

In July 1987, a man named Robert Cambridge entered the National Gallery in London with a sawn-off shotgun concealed under his coat. He then shot the drawing The Virgin and Child with St Anne and St John the Baptist by Leonardo da Vinci from a distance of virtually 2 meters (7 anxiety). The pellets did not penetrate the protective glass, merely shattered it, and the splinters caused pregnant damage to the artwork. Cambridge told the police that he wanted to express his disgust with "political, social and economic conditions in United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland"; he was placed in a mental institution. The restoration of the drawing took more than a twelvemonth to complete.[35]

Other tools [edit]

In 1996 Canadian multi-media creative person Jubal Brown vandalised Raoul Dufy's Harbor at le Havre in the Art Gallery of Ontario in Toronto, and Piet Mondrian's Composition With Reddish and Blueish in the Museum of Modernistic Art in New York by deliberately airsickness primary colors on them.[36]

In January 1998, vandals poked holes in two paintings by Henri Matisse, Pianist with Checkers Players (1924) and The Japanese Woman (1901), exhibited in the Capitoline Museums. The holes were mended in a few days.[37]

In January 2004 the Israeli ambassador to Sweden Zvi Mazel tried to destroy the artwork Snowfall White and The Madness of Truth by unplugging lights and throwing ane of them into a pool causing a short circuit.[38]

On 24 February 2006, a 12-twelvemonth-one-time boy stuck chewing mucilage to $1.5 meg abstract painting The Bay by Helen Frankenthaler, displayed at the Detroit Plant of Arts.[39] The museum'south conservation lab successfully cleaned and restored the painting, which was put back on brandish in late June 2006.[forty]

In 2007, the painting The Triumph of David by Ottavio Vannini (1640), exhibited at the Milwaukee Art Museum, was attacked past a 21-year-old man with a history of mental disease. He pulled the painting off the wall, stomping on information technology several times. The man was reportedly disturbed past the image of Goliath'southward severed head.[41]

In 2007, vandals bankrupt into the Orsay Museum in Paris in the early morning, set off the warning and damaged the painting Bridge at Argenteuil past Claude Monet. They left a x-centimeter (4 in) tear in the center, either with a mitt accident or with a sharp object.[42]

In 2012 a 49-year-old man named Andrew Shannon punched a large pigsty in Claude Monet's Argenteuil Bowl with a Single Sailboat, valued at €10 1000000, while it was existence displayed at the National Gallery of Ireland. Despite challenge to have a heart condition, a police investigation revealed that the human activity was deliberate and he was jailed for five years.[43] After 18 months of restoration work, on one July 2014, the painting was re-hung in the gallery, behind protective glass.[44] The restoration saw 7% of the damaged area beingness lost, in a process that involved sewing microscopic threads back together.[45]

Repeated vandalism [edit]

Hans-Joachim Bohlmann [edit]

Hans-Joachim Bohlmann (1937–2009) was a German language series vandal. Between 1977 and 2006, he damaged over 50 paintings worth more 270 million Deutsche Marks (about 138 1000000 euros) by Rubens, Rembrandt, Dürer and other artists. Bohlmann had a personality disorder and was treated in various psychiatric hospitals since a young age. In most acts, he sprayed paintings with sulfuric acid, targeting faces of the personages.[46]

Mona Lisa [edit]

Mona Lisa past Leonardo da Vinci has long been alluring vandals and is currently i of the all-time-protected artworks. On xxx Dec 1956, a immature Bolivian man named Ugo Ungaza Villegas threw a rock at the painting; this resulted in the loss of a speck of pigment near the left elbow, which was later painted over.[47]

The utilize of bulletproof drinking glass has shielded the Mona Lisa from more recent attacks. In April 1974, a disabled woman, upset past the museum'south inaccessibility, sprayed scarlet paint at the painting while it was on display at the Tokyo National Museum.[48] On 2 Baronial 2009, a Russian adult female, distraught over beingness denied French citizenship, threw a terra cotta mug or teacup, purchased at the museum, at the painting in the Louvre; the vessel shattered against the glass enclosure.[49] [50] In both cases, the painting was undamaged.

Night Watch [edit]

Rembrandt'southward Night Watch subsequently being cutting by William de Rijk in September 1975

Rembrandt's Night Lookout man (1642) is one of the near popular paintings at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. It is viewed past virtually four,000 to five,000 visitors daily with its value estimated at $925,000 in the 1970s. The painting was vandalized on several occasions. On thirteen January 1911, an unemployed navy cook tried to cut it with a knife, just could not cut through the thick varnish on the painting.[51] [52] In 1975, William de Rijk, an unemployed school instructor, cutting dozens of zigzag lines in the painting with a knife before he was wrestled by the guards. The day earlier, de Rijk had been turned away from the museum because he arrived after closing time. After the consequence, he was identified with a mental disorder; he was sent to a psychiatric hospital and committed suicide there on 21 April 1976. It took six months to restore the painting, and traces of the cuts still remain.[52] [16] [53] [54] In 1990, a homo threw acrid on the painting. The guards managed to quickly dilute information technology with h2o and so that it penetrated only the varnish layer, and the painting was restored again.[52] [55]

The Footling Mermaid [edit]

Police technicians examine the impairment to The Footling Mermaid later on information technology was blasted off its base on ten September 2003.

The Trivial Mermaid is a statue of the mermaid from the fairy tale of the same proper name by Hans Christian Andersen. The statue is located in the harbor of Copenhagen and is an icon and a major tourist allure of the city. The statue has been damaged and defaced then many times since the mid-1950s that in 2007, Copenhagen officials appear that the statue may be moved further out in the harbor to avoid further vandalism and to foreclose tourists from climbing onto it.

The main focus of vandalism for the statue has been decapitation. On 24 Apr 1964, the statue's caput was sawn off and stolen by politically oriented artists of the Situationist move. The head was never recovered and a new head was produced and fastened to the statue.[56] On half dozen January 1998, the statue was decapitated once again;[57] [58] the culprits were never plant, simply the head was returned anonymously to a nearby TV station, and re-fastened on 4 February.

On the night of 10 September 2003, the statue was knocked off its base with explosives and later found in the harbor's waters. Holes were blasted in the mermaid's wrist and genu.[59]

Paint has been poured on the statue several times, including one episode in 1963 and 2 in March and May 2007. On viii March 2006, greenish paint was poured over the statue and a dildo was attached to its hand.[56] [57]

Every bit political protest [edit]

In Ostend, the beach promenade has a 1931 sculptural monument to Leopold II of Belgium, showing Leopold and grateful Ostend fishermen and Congolese. The inscription accompanying the Congolese group notes: "De chilly der Congolezen aan Leopold Ii om hen te hebben bevrijd van de slavernij onder de Arabieren" ("The gratitude of the Congolese to Leopold Ii for having liberated them from slavery under the Arabs"). In 2004, an activist grouping cutting off the hand of the leftmost Congolese bronze figure, in protest against the atrocities committed in the Congo. The city council decided to keep the statue in its new form, without the hand.[threescore] [61]

During the George Floyd protests, the public sculpture Serve & Protect in Salt Lake City'southward Public Safety Edifice was vandalized. The sculpture is of a large pair of hands, representing the service of the police, and the sculpture was vandalised with red paint such that the easily appeared bloodied. This was done to draw attention to police brutality. The paint was washed off the adjacent day.[62] [63]

The Egyptian revolution of 2011, also known as 25 January Revolution, started on 25 January 2011 and spread beyond Egypt. These riots lead to mass destruction of Egyptian arts, from sculptures to other ancient artifacts, This is a form of vandalism because these riots acquired the blunt destruction and desecration of the aboriginal Egyptian artwork.

Incidents [edit]

  • The Rokeby Venus by Diego Velázquez. Defaced at the National Gallery London, in 1914
On x March 1914, Mary Richardson, Suffragette, attacked with a meat cleaver. She surrendered to the baby-sit stating "Yes, I am a suffragette. Y'all can get another picture, just you cannot get a life, as they are killing Mrs Pankhurst" (on hunger strike).[64]
  • Michelangelo's Pietá (Piety) at the Vatican. Defaced in 1972 at St. Peter'due south Basilica in Rome. Defaced past Laszlo Toth who, conveying a hammer, climbed over the rail of the Cappella della Pietà proclaiming I am Jesus Christ!. He damaged the left forearm, nose and eyelid of the Virgin Mary. He was committed to a mental institution for two years.[64]
  • Guernica by Pablo Picasso, Defaced in 1974 at the Museum of Modernistic Art (MoMA) in New York. Defaced past Tony Shafrazi, a gallery possessor, who spray-painted 'LIES ALL LIES' and 'Impale'.[64]
  • Danaë by Rembrandt. Defaced in 1985 at the Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg. Defaced by a knife thrust into Danaë's lower belly, and a litre of sulphuric acid thrown over the painting.[64]
  • The Virgin and Child with St Anne and St John the Baptist by Leonardo da Vinci. Defaced in 1987 at the National Gallery London. Defaced by ex-soldier Robert Cambridge who fired a shotgun from seven feet away.[64]
  • Piss Christ past Andres Serrano. Attacked twice. National Gallery of Victoria, Australia, 1997 and Drove Lambert museum in Avignon France, 2011.[64]
  • Myra past Marcus Harvey. Defaced in September 1997 at the Royal Academy of Arts in London. Two artists, acting separately, defaced the painting of Moors murderer Myra Hindley. Peter Fisher defaced it with ruby-red and blue ink, then Jacques Role threw eggs.[64]
  • My Bed by Tracey Emin. Defaced in 1999 at the Tate Gallery London. Yuan Cai and Jian Jun Xi jumped on the "My Bed" exhibit and had a pillow fight.[64]
  • The Buddhas of Bamiyan. Destroyed in situ by the Taliban in 2001.[64]
  • Margaret Thatcher marble statue by Neil Simmons Defaced on 3 July 2002 at the Guildhall Fine art Gallery in London.[64]
  • Scallop by Maggi Hambling. Defaced intermittantly since 2003 on the Aldeburgh seafront. Defaced with paint numerous times.[64]
  • Le Pont d'Argenteuil (fr: Le Pont d'Argenteuil) by Claude Monet. Defaced at the Musée d'Orsay in 2007. Drunken intruders punched a pigsty in the painting.[64]
  • The Thinker by Auguste Rodin. Defaced in August 2011 in Buenos Aires. The sculpture was spray-painted with pinkish mankind, greenish hair and a blackness shoulder tattoo.[64]
  • Blackness on Maroon (1958) by Marking Rothko, Seagram mural series. Defaced in 2012 at Tate Mod London.
Defaced by Vladimir Umanets, a Russian-born artist attempting to promote 'yellowism'.[64]
  • The Spear past Brett Murray. Defaced in May 2012 at the Goodman Gallery in Johannesburg.
Jacob Zuma, President of S Africa, was depicted with exposed penis. Information technology was defaced twice, firstly his face up and penis were crossed out with red paint, and then a divide defacement smeared blackness paint.[64]
  • Three Figures by Anna Leporskaya. Defaced in February 2022 at the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Heart in Yekaterinburg The painting was vandalised by 'bored' gallery guard who drew eyes on the figures with a ball-betoken pen.[65]

See too [edit]

  • Fine art destruction
  • Fine art forgery
  • Art intervention
  • Art theft
  • Art theft and looting during Earth War II
  • Degenerate art
  • Iconoclasm
  • Looted art

References [edit]

  1. ^ Gamboni, p. 191
  2. ^ Merrills, Andy; Miles, Richard (2010). The Vandals. John Wiley & Sons. pp. 9–10. ISBN978-1-4051-6068-1.
  3. ^ Peaceful painter. (in Russian)
  4. ^ Hoberman, J. (13 December 2004) "Popular and Circumstance". The Nation, pp. 22–26.
  5. ^ Sluijter, Eric Jan (2006). Rembrandt and the Female Nude. Amsterdam University Press. p. 221. ISBN978-90-5356-837-eight.
  6. ^ Tylyakova, A. (i November 1997) ВОЗВРАЩЕНИЕ ШЕДЕВРА РЕМБРАНДТА (Render of the Rembrandt's masterpiece). Зеркало недели #44,
  7. ^ Battersby, Matilda (8 Oct 2012) Fine art attacks: From pissing in Duchamp'due south 'Fountain' to defacing a Rothko.
  8. ^ Emilie Blachère (thirteen February 2017). "Set on at the Louvre: the tourist was a terrorist". Paris Lucifer (in French). Retrieved 13 Feb 2017. Investigators constitute bombs of aerosol paint in his purse. No dubiousness to blot out the masterpieces of the museum.
  9. ^ Scene of Blood, or how Ilya Repin killed Tsarevich Ivan. Part 6, Russian Herald, 2007 (in Russian)
  10. ^ a b Davies, Christie (January 2007). "Velazquez in London". New Benchmark. 25 (v): 53.
  11. ^ MacLaren, Neil; Braham, Allan (1970). The Spanish School, National Gallery Catalogues. National Gallery, London, pp. 125–9. ISBN 0-947645-46-2
  12. ^ a b Prater, Andreas (2002). Venus at Her Mirror: Velázquez and the Art of Nude Painting. Prestel, p. vii, ISBN 3-7913-2783-six
  13. ^ Nead, Lynda (1992). The Female Nude: Art, Obscenity, and Sexuality. New York: Routledge, p. 2, ISBN 0415026776.
  14. ^ Whitford, Frank (viii Oct 2006). "Withal sexy later on all these years". The Sun Times, Retrieved on 12 March 2008.
  15. ^ 5 schilderijen in Rijksmuseum zijn beschadigd door onbekenden A'dam: schilderij "De heilige Familie van Lorenzo Costa is het meest beschadigd. Dutch Nationaal Archief hdl:10648/ab7a20fc-d0b4-102d-bcf8-003048976d84
  16. ^ a b Van Gogh Painting Slashed. Associated Press via Schenectady Gazette. half dozen Apr 1978
  17. ^ Anderson-Reece, Erik (1993). "Who'due south Agape of Corporate Culture: The Barnett Newman Controversy". The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism. 51 (i): 49–57. doi:10.2307/431970. JSTOR 431970.
  18. ^ Monet's Rage of Perfectionism, Time, 26 Jan 2010.
  19. ^ The conservation history of the Portland Vase, British Museum.
  20. ^ "a man the police described as deranged bankrupt part of a toe with a hammer, saying a 16th century Venetian painter'south model ordered him to do so." Cowell, Alan (fifteen September 1991). "Michelangelo's David Is Damaged". New York Times.
  21. ^ See Gamboni, p. 205 for pic
  22. ^ Scigliano, Eric (August 2005) "Inglorious Restorations. Destroying Former Masterpieces in Order to Save Them." Harper'south Magazine, pp. 61–68.
  23. ^ Michelangelo's Pietà, Fourth dimension, 26 January 2010.
  24. ^ Whatever happened to Laszlo Toth, the human being who smashed Michelangelo'southward Pieta in 1972? Guardian.
  25. ^ Gamboni, p. 202
  26. ^ a b c "Florida creative person smashes $1m vase by Chinese dissident artist Ai Weiwei". Associated Press via The Guardian. 17 February 2014.
  27. ^ В Третьяковке вандал нанес серьезные повреждения картине Репина "Иван Грозный". TASS (26 May 2018)
  28. ^ a b Gamboni, p. 192
  29. ^ Harris, Crush (21 June 2008). Pinnacle ten famous kisses.
  30. ^ Banks, Bruce. "NASA - Subversive Ability of Atomic Oxygen Used to Restore Artwork". . Retrieved 7 September 2020. Public Domain This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the public domain .
  31. ^ French court tries woman for kissing painting. Associated press via 9 Oct 2007.
  32. ^ Woman Who Kissed Painting With Red Lipstick Gets Community Service. Associated Press via Foxnews, 16 November 2007.
  33. ^ (in French) A very bling bling kiss – News From The Courtroom – Arty Parade, or art in 3 dimensions. (28 Nov 2009). Retrieved on 2017-03-fourteen.
  34. ^ (in French) Le baiser volé de Rindy Sam lui coûte eighteen.840 euros. (two June 2009)
  35. ^ Restoring a Leonardo Cartoon That Was Hitting by a Shotgun Blast, New York Times, 8 November 1988.
  36. ^ DePalma, Anthony (viii December 1996). "No Tum for Fine art". The New York Times.
  37. ^ Two Matisse paintings damaged in Rome exhibit. quoting Reuters, 22 January 1998.
  38. ^ "Ambassadör förstörde konst". Dagens Nyheter. 17 Jan 2004.
  39. ^ Boy sticks gum on $1.5m painting. BBC News, 2 March 2006
  40. ^ Hodges, Michael H. (eight September 2003). Fox Theater's rebirth ushered in city's renewal. Michigan History, The Detroit News. Retrieved on 23 November 2007.
  41. ^ "Visitor attacks valuable painting – April five, 2007". The Sydney Morning Herald. v Apr 2007.
  42. ^ "Intruders severely damage Monet painting". ABC News. vii October 2007.
  43. ^ "The moment vandal was caught punching Monet". Irish gaelic Independent. 7 December 2014. Retrieved 15 August 2018.
  44. ^ "Restored Monet returned to National Gallery". RTÉ. 1 July 2014. Retrieved 18 January 2015.
  45. ^ "Vandalised Monet work restored". Belfast Telegraph. 1 July 2014. Retrieved xviii January 2015.
  46. ^ Ich bin mein eigener Sklave. Spiegel, ane October 2005 (in German).
  47. ^ Mona FAQ. Mona Lisa Mania
  48. ^ "Mona Lisa sprayed". The Free-Lance Star. 20 Apr 1974.
  49. ^ "Mona Lisa attacked past Russian woman". Xinhua News Agency. 12 August 2009.
  50. ^ "Russian tourist hurls mug at Mona Lisa in Louvre". Associated Press. 11 August 2009.
  51. ^ Slashes famous motion picture.; Discharged Naval Cook Mutilate Chief's "Night Watch" at Amsterdam, New York Times, 14 Jan 1911.
  52. ^ a b c Rembrandt's Night Sentinel, Time, 26 January 2010.
  53. ^ Goss, Steven (Summer 2001) A Partial Guide to the Tools of Art Vandalism, Cabinet Magazine.
  54. ^ Gamboni, Dario (1983). Un iconoclasme moderne: théorie et pratiques contemporaines du vandalisme artistique. Editions d'En bas. p. 114. ISBN2-8290-0051-10.
  55. ^ The Night Lookout man. Art Crimes.
  56. ^ a b Change schützt Meerjungfrau nicht vor Rabauken (Age does non protect against Mermaid bullies). Spiegel, 17 August 2008 (in German language).
  57. ^ a b Den Lille Havfrue reddet fra gramsende turister. 1 August 2007. (in Danish)
  58. ^ "Feminists claim responsibility for statue assault". BBC News. 8 January 1998.
  59. ^ Piffling Mermaid's unexpected swim, BBC News, 12 September 2003
  60. ^ Pieter De Vos. "Sikitiko" (in Dutch). Retrieved 13 August 2012. De dank der Congolezen aan Leopold II om hen te hebben bevrijd van de slavernij onder de Arabieren (1:10)
  61. ^ "Leopold II krijgt zijn hand terug als Oostende zwicht" [Oostende herstelt afgehakte hand van Leopold 2 niet] (in Dutch). 22 June 2004. Archived from the original on 1 Jan 2014. Retrieved 13 Baronial 2012.
  62. ^ Serve & Protect - 45. Salt Lake City Public Art Program. Retrieved 1 June 2020.
  63. ^ The day after: An eerie at-home fills downtown Salt Lake City, simply a determined crusade still smolders. Salt Lake Tribune. Retrieved i June 2020.
  64. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m northward o The Guardian, viii October 2012. Art assault: defaced artworks from Rothko to Leonardo
  65. ^ The Guardian, x Feb 2022, Russian painting vandalised by 'bored' gallery guard who drew optics on it

Bibliography [edit]

  • Gamboni, Dario (1997). The destruction of fine art: iconoclasm and vandalism since the French Revolution. Reaktion Books. ISBN0-948462-94-9.

External links [edit]

  • Art Damaged
  • Berlin: vandalism of museum artefacts 'linked to conspiracy theorists' The Guardian, 2020


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