Pan Fried Egg and Beef Ginger and Onion Chinese

Beef with Ginger and Spring Onions on plate close up


Beef with Ginger and Jump Onions, likewise known as Jiang Cong Jiu Rou (姜葱牛肉), may seem like a simple dish to make. After all it only needs iii chief ingredients (no prizes for guessing which three!) + the usual Chinese condiments, and 35 minutes to become from fridge to table.

But perfecting this recipe does requires some practice and a skillful dose of grandma'southward 'all-time-kept' cooking wisdom!


Hither are some important tips for this recipe.

Firstly, make sure that y'all use Bentong ginger from Malaysia, known every bit the king of ginger for its distinctive aromatic and spicy flavour. Read more in the tips beneath.

Secondly, slice the beefiness confronting the direction of the grain of the meat. This ensures that the meat will not be tough and chewy. This is the aforementioned for pork.

Thirdly, use sodium bicarbonate to marinate the beef. It will help further tenderise the meat.


Lastly, don't overcook the beef, or information technology will ruin all your hard piece of work! I prefer to fry the beef separately offset until lxx-80% cooked, so add together it into towards the end to further cook until it is but washed.

Beef with Ginger and Spring Onions on plate portrait shot


  • The wok hei flavour of the beef.Using high heat for this dish is necessary to achieve wok hei, and the taste is merely non the same without it!
  • Information technology's simple and fast to make!Needing but 35 minutes of cooking fourth dimension. But brand sure you read and follow the tips stated here.


Launder the beef and pat dry. Cutting the beef into sparse slices by cutting against the grain (see video for demonstration).

Slicing beef on cutting board

Add the marinade ingredients to the sliced beef. And then mix well and marinate for about 20 mins.

Adding salt to raw beef slices

Remove the skin from the ginger and slice thinly.

Slicing ginger thinly on cutting board

Remove the roots of the spring onion and launder thoroughly. Cut into v-6 cm lengths.

Cutting Spring Onion into chunks

In a bowl, add together in all the ingredients for the gravy and mix well.

Bowl of sauce with spoon

In a split basin, add in the ingredients for the cornflour slurry and mix well.

Corn starch in small bowl

Rut up 200 ml of oil in a wok over high oestrus. Once heated, add together in the beef and quickly stir fry it for 30 sec or until most seventy-80% cooked.

Frying sliced beef in wok

Apace transfer to a plate. Pour the backlog oil in a bowl, leaving behind 2 TBsp of oil in the wok.

Lightly stir fried beef on plate

Heat up the oil over high oestrus, and then add together in the ginger slices. Fry for 1 min or until aromatic.

Stir frying sliced ginger in wok

Next, add in the bound onions and stir fry, mixing well. Do non overcook the spring onion otherwise it will be likewise limp.

Stir frying sliced ginger and spring onion in wok

Add the beef back and the basin of sauce to the wok and give information technology a quick stir.

Pouring sauce over stir fried Beef with Ginger and Spring Onions

Immediately add in 1 TBsp of Chinese Rice Vino and the cornflour slurry. Subsequently 0.five minute, or when the gravy thickens, transfer to a plate. Best served hot with a bowl of hot steaming rice.

Beef with Ginger and Spring Onions on plate close up



  1. If you buy beef from the market, tell the seller to give you the tender part for stir fry or for steam boat. The seller will normally give yous what y'all need.
  2. Secondly, make sure that the beef is vivid reddish in color. If information technology looks night or deadening coloured, it is commonly non fresh.


  1. Young ginger which is pale xanthous is usually meant for pickling with vinegar equally it is less gristly. Quondam and matured ginger is more than spicy and fragrant.
  2. Buy Bentong ginger, which is very fragrant and more spicy than normal ginger. You tin place it as information technology is darker in color, thinner and has a somewhat dirty appearance.


  1. Add a little sodium bi-carbonate to help tenderise the beef.
  2. Don't add salt to marinate the beef as it has the tendency of drawing much juices from the beef thereby making it dry and dehydrated.
  3. Don't add together salt into the marinate every bit it tends to draw out water in the beef, making information technology dry and dehydrated after frying.


  1. Cutting beyond the grain (musculus fibres) when cutting the beef. If y'all slice it parallel, it will be very tough and rubbery.
  2. Practise non piece the beef too thinly or it will tend to overcook and it will non has much substance.


  • Egg-Free: No modifications needed.
  • Fish-Free: No modifications needed.
  • Gluten-Costless: Use gluten free sauces.
  • Nut-Free: No modifications needed.
  • Shellfish-Gratis: No modifications needed.

Picket OUR VIDEO for how to make this recipe!

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Beef with Ginger and Spring Onions

Stir-Fried Beef with Ginger and Spring Onions (姜葱牛肉)

Form: Side Dish

Cuisine: Chinese

Keyword: beef with ginger and leap onions, chinese stir fried beef, jiang cong niu rou, stir fry beef

Prep Time: 20 minutes

Melt Time: 15 minutes

Total Fourth dimension: 35 minutes

Servings: 4

Calories: 254 kcal

Stir Fried Beef with Ginger and Jump Onions is a household dish for many Chinese. It's simple to brand, but tricky to get information technology correct. Find out the secrets of mastering this deceivingly unproblematic dish with this commodity!

Print Recipe

  • 300 gm Beef
  • 1 Bundle Bound Onion
  • 60 gm Ginger
  • 200 ml Oil to deep fry the beef
  • 1 TBsp Chinese Rice Vino Hua Tiao Chiew

Marinade for Beef

  • 1/4 tsp Sodium Bicarbonate to tenderise the beefiness
  • 1 TBsp Light Soy Sauce
  • i TBsp Cornflour
  • 1 pinch Pepper
  • three TBsp H2o
  • 2 tsp Oil

Cornflour Slurry

  • i tsp Cornflour
  • ii tbsp Water


  • Wash the beef and pat dry. Cut the beef into thin slices by cutting against the grain (see video for demonstration).

  • Add the marinade ingredients to the sliced beefiness. So mix well and marinate for near xx mins.

  • Remove the skin from the ginger and slice thinly.

  • Remove the roots of the leap onion and wash thoroughly. Cut into 5-6 cm lengths.

  • In a basin, add in all the ingredients for the gravy and mix well.

  • In a split up bowl, add together in the ingredients for the cornflour slurry and mix well.


  • Estrus up 200 ml of oil in a wok over high heat. Once heated, add in the beef and quickly stir fry it for 30 sec or until near seventy-80% cooked.

  • Chop-chop transfer to a plate. Pour the backlog oil in a bowl, leaving backside 2 TBsp of oil in the wok.

  • Heat up the oil over high rut, so add in the ginger slices. Fry for 1 min or until aromatic.

  • Side by side, add in the bound onions and stir fry, mixing well. Practise not overcook the spring onion otherwise it volition be besides limp.

  • Add the beef dorsum and the bowl of sauce to the wok and give it a quick stir.

  • Immediately add together in i TBsp of Chinese Rice Wine and the cornflour slurry. After 0.5 minute, or when the gravy thickens, transfer to a plate. Best served hot with a bowl of hot steaming rice.



  1. If you purchase beef from the market, tell the seller to requite you the tender office for stir fry or for steam boat. The seller will ordinarily requite you what y'all need.
  2. Secondly, brand sure that the beef is bright reddish in colour. If information technology looks dark or dull coloured, it is usually not fresh.


  1. Immature ginger which is pale yellow is unremarkably meant for pickling with vinegar as it is less gristly. One-time and matured ginger is more spicy and fragrant.
  2. Buy Bentong ginger, which is very fragrant and more spicy than normal ginger. You can identify information technology as it is darker in colour, thinner and has a somewhat muddy appearance.


  1. Add a picayune sodium bi-carbonate to assistance tenderise the beefiness.
  2. Don't add salt to marinate the beef as it has the tendency of cartoon much juices from the beef thereby making it dry and dehydrated.
  3. Don't add salt into the marinate as information technology tends to draw out water in the beef, making it dry out and dehydrated later on frying.


  1. Cutting across the grain (musculus fibres) when cut the beef. If you slice it parallel, information technology will be very tough and rubbery.
  2. Do not slice the beef too thinly or it will tend to overcook and information technology will not has much substance.

Calories: 254 kcal | Carbohydrates: 6 g | Protein: 13 grand | Fatty: eighteen grand | Saturated Fat: 6 g | Cholesterol: 53 mg | Sodium: 565 mg | Potassium: 286 mg | Vitamin C: 0.vii mg | Calcium: xiv mg | Iron: 1.7 mg

About Bee Leng

Bee Leng spent near of her babyhood in the kitchen learning the ropes of Chinese/Cantonese cooking. She loves to shares her treasury of heritage recipes and cooking wisdom gleaned from a lifetime of kitchen (mis)adventures. If you send her a photograph of a dish gone amiss, she can probably tell what went wrong!


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